CFO Seal

The Workers' Compensation Administration Trust Fund Assessment (WCATF Assessment)

The WCATF is maintained mostly by annual assessments as well as by the interest that these assessment deposits earn in the State Treasury. The net premiums collected by the workers’ compensation carriers in Florida and the net premium applicable to the self-insurers in Florida (as promulgated by the Division) are the basis for computing the amount to be assessed which is expressed as a percentage of net direct collected premiums. Neither carriers nor self-insurers may deduct any cost of reinsurance. However, carriers may deduct dividends paid and refunds returned to policyholders in a given quarter. Assessments must be paid on deductible policy premium "addbacks" which is the cumulative dollar value of all premium discounts that were applied in connection with any deductible plans written during the reporting quarter. These total premiums are then applied to the current applicable WCATF assessment rate to determine the carrier’s quarterly assessment.