CFO Seal

Insurance Carrier Registration

Each insurance carrier that is newly approved by the Florida Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR) to write workers’ compensation insurance, Line of Business 160, must register with the Division of Workers' Compensation before writing such insurance.

How To Register

  1. Workers’ Compensation Line of Business
    Carriers cannot register with the Division of Workers’ Compensation until OIR approves the carrier to write Workers’ Compensation, Line of Business 160.
  2. DWC will provide a welcome letter to the new carrier via email followed by USPS certified mail. Also, a welcome email will be provided with the registration document. 
  3. Completion of Registration Document
    Upon carrier receipt of the initial carrier registration notification and registration document from the Division, the carrier will return the completed registration document to the Division within seven (7) business days. The registration document is to be sent to the Division via email (
  4. Assignment of DWC Carrier ID Number
    The Division creates a unique four-digit number for quick identification of each specific carrier doing business with DWC. Once the completed registration document is received, an assigned DWC number will be sent to the carrier for future reference and DWC business use.

Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

Registration Coordinator
Bureau of Financial Accountability

Mark Reichmuth
Sr. Management Analyst II
Assessment Unit
(850) 413-1753