CFO Seal

Contacting the Special Disability Trust Fund

Mailing Address
200 East Gaines Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32399-4223
General questions about the SDTF

Phone: (850) 413-1604

SDTF Manager
Tom Krick  (850) 413-1651
Status of Request Inquiry
Cynthia Colson  (850) 413-1649
Proof of Claim Process Inquiry
Samuel Willis  (850) 413-1898
Permanent Total (PT) Check Status Inquiry
Cynthia Colson  (850) 413-1649
Reimbursement Request Process Inquiry
Samuel Willis  (850) 413-1898
To make a Public Records Request
Financial Disclosure, Section 625.091, F.S.
Annually, property and casualty carriers are required to complete and file a financial disclosure document with the Office of Insurance Regulation. That disclosure document contains a small portion, which pertains to the Special Disability Trust Fund. The disclosure must be filed with the Office of Insurance Regulation (OIR). You can view the filing requirements by clicking here.