CFO Seal


Governmental Self-Insured Employers who choose to voluntarily terminate their self-insurance privilege shall notify the Division of such withdrawal and shall continue to file all reports required by this rule until such time the employer has satisfied the Division that there is no remaining value to the claims that occurred while the employer was self-insured (Rule 69L-5.224, F.A.C.). An active governmental self-insured employer who is terminating its self-insurance privilege must review the rule regarding termination and provide the required documentation.


Required Documents:

  • Self-Insurer's Notice of Termination
  • Copy of Certificate of Insurance

Mailing Address:

  • Self-Insurance Unit
    Division of Workers’ Compensation
    Florida Department of Financial Services
    200 East Gaines Street
    Tallahassee, Florida 32399


Contact Us:

  • Dwayne Manning (850) 413-1784