CFO Seal

Fire Investigator

(Certificate of Competency)


(Revision Date November 25, 2015)

Overview:  This is a voluntary advanced training program designed for certified firefighters, certified law enforcement officers, law enforcement crime scene technicians, and certified firesafety inspectors who have fire investigation responsibilities. 

This program is based on the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1033 “Standard for Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator" and is intended to prepare individuals for service as fire investigators in the public sector.

There are two methods available for a qualified applicant to obtain Fire Investigator certification. Individuals should evaluate their eligibility and utilize one of the following options as set forth in paragraph 69A-37.065(3) (a), F.A.C.

Submit the "Application for Fire Investigator" and all supporting documentation on FCDICE online or by mail:

Fire Investigator Application: DFS-K4-1438 PDF or DFS-K4-1438 Word


(Effective July 1, 2013, certification courses must appear on student's Course History at or submit for course equivalency)

IMPORTANT: Courses for this program have specific Instructor discipline requirements.  Please make sure your instructor has met the requirements to teach the classes below for Fire Investigators.

Additional Information for certification:

Florida Statutes (FS)/Florida Administrative Code (FAC)

Renewal Required


Renewal Requirements



Not Required

Task Book

Fire Investigator Task book DFS-K4-2171 PDF | DFS-K4-2171 Word

Fire Investigator Task Book Evaluation Guide


Fire Investigator Portfolio DFS-K4-2175 PDF | DFS-K4-2175 Word

Test Required


For testing information, review the PearsonVue Candidate Handbook and PearsonVue Exam Content Outline
Application Fee $30.00
Apply for Examination Log in to FCDICE Student Portal

Applicable towards the following National Accreditation(s):



International Accreditation for Fire Service OrganizationsLINK TO PRO-BOARD LISTClick Here

About Pro-Board Accreditation

Information on how to Print State Certifications, and Pro-Board Applications Click Here