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Impairment Income Benefit Calculator

The information and interactive calculators are made available to you as self-help tools for your independent use. We can not and do not guarantee their applicability or accuracy in regards to your individual circumstances.

This calculator can help you determine compensation or wage replacement benefits that may be due and/or owed to you as the result of a work-related injury or occupational disease.

If you have any questions about the calculation of benefits, please contact the Bureau of Employee Assistance and Ombudsman Office at 1-800-342-1741 or

* Year of Illness or Injury:

* Average Weekly Wage:
Average Weekly Wage (AWW)
AWW are wages earned 13 calendar weeks prior to the date of the work related accident or illness, excluding the week during which the accident or illness occurred. By Florida law, wages earned must have been reported for federal income tax purposes to qualify in the calculation of AWW.

For additional information regarding the calculation of AWW, please refer to 440.14, F.S., 69L-3.0046, F.A.C., and 69L-3.025, F.A.C. In addition please see DFS-F2-DWC-1a.pdf.
* Is the Employee back at work and making an amount equal to or greater than the Employee's Average Weekly Wage?
Has the employee returned to work (RTW)?
Impairment benefits are paid at 75% of your average weekly temporary total benefits. This is normally your weekly compensation rate. If you return to work and are earning pre-injury wages, these benefits are reduced by 50%.

Please refer to 440.15(3)(c), F.S. and 69L-3.01925, F.A.C. for more information.
* Impairment Rating:
Impairment Rating
A permanent impairment rating (PIR) is established by your doctor and is based on a specific guide prescribed by statute. Permanent impairment is defined as “any anatomic or functional abnormality or loss determined as a percentage of the body as a whole, existing after the date of maximum medical improvement, which results from the injury.”

Please refer to 440.02(22), and, 440.15(3)(b), F.S., and 69L-7.604, F.A.C.

Total Number of Benefit Weeks:
Weeks of Benefits
The number of weeks of entitlement to Impairment Benefits is based on the Permanent Impairment Rating (PIR) assigned by the authorized treating physician. The statute provides the following scale.

2 weeks of benefits for each percent of impairment from 1% to 10%.
3 weeks of benefits for each percent of impairment from 11% to 15%.
4 weeks of benefits for each percent of impairment from 16% to 20%.
6 weeks of benefits for each percent of impairment of 21% or more.

Please refer to 440.15(3)(g), F.S. for more information.

Benefits per Week:


Total Amount of Benefits Due:



* Required Field

Maximum Compensation Rates

Year of AccidentMaximum Rate