CFO Seal

Insurer Performance

Audit Section

The Division of Workers' Compensation audits the benefit disbursement and claims-handling practices of all insurers, self-insured employers, and self-insurance funds providing Workers’ Compensation coverage in the State of Florida (see Section 440.525, F.S.). A detailed report is provided to each entity upon conclusion of their audit. The links below provide performance results and contact information.

Industry Audit Results
Contact Information

Centralized Performance System (CPS) Section

The CPS Section is responsible for evaluating and assessing insurer performance pursuant to Section 440.525, F.S., Chapters 69L-7 and 69L-24, F.A.C., regarding the timely payment of initial indemnity benefits and medical bills, and the timely filing of the First Report of Injury or Illness Form (DWC-1) and medical bills.

Learn more about CPS