CFO Seal

Industry Audit Results

The Audit Section conducts audits of regulated entities including insurers, self-insurers and claims-handling entities to identify:

  1. Inappropriate claims-handling practices
  2. Patterns and practices of unreasonable delay in claims-handling
  3. Untimely and inaccurate payment of benefits to injured workers
  4. Untimely filing and payment of medical bills
  5. Untimely and inaccurate filing of required reports

By performing these audits, the Bureau enforces the laws that govern the items noted above, identifies trends and practices in the industry that result in delays or failure to provide appropriate and timely benefits to injured workers and offers training and education to workers’ compensation system stakeholders. The charts below provide industry overall performance identified on audits. The Bureau’s goal is to ensure industry performance meets the 90% compliance standard.

Industry Audit Performance Charts: