CFO Seal

Premium Audit Training and Education

The self-insurance audit section’s mission is to actively ensure self-execution of the self-insurance program through educating and informing all new and current self-insured employers of their responsibility for reporting payroll timely and accurately to the Division. Please review the information below that outlines the education and training for new and active self-insurers.

New Self-Insurers:

  • New Self-Insurers will be mailed a Welcome package.
  • The audit team will contact the new self-insurer via phone to discuss the package and to schedule an on-site visit.
  • An on-site inspection of the new self-insurer operation will be schedule within six months after approval.
  • Thirty (30) days prior to the submission of the SI-5 payroll report, the audit team will contact the new self-insurer to discuss rules for proper reporting of payroll.

Active Self-Insurers:

  • On the self-insurer anniversary rating date, the audit team will e-mail each self-insurer a training package which includes rules for reporting executive officers and overtime payroll.
  • Three (3) weeks after training package is sent, the audit team will make contact with each self-insurer via phone, to discuss the education material.
  • When the SI-5 payroll report is received, the auditor will conduct an analysis to determine if payroll was reported correctly.

Webinars Training:

  • The audit team will conduct webinars quarterly on "Proper Reporting of Payroll for Self-Insurers". The webinar will ensure that self-insurers are accurately reporting payroll to the Division.
  • Contact: