CFO Seal

Private Self-Insured Employers

Private Self-Insured Employers are defined in Section 440.38(1)(b), F.S.. The statute states:

"Employers who have provided proof to the Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association, Inc., that it has the financial strength necessary to ensure timely payment of all current and future claims individually and on behalf of its subsidiary and affiliated companies with employees in this state and receiving an authorization from the department to pay such compensation directly".

The below information outlines the requirements for private entities who are applying to become a self-insured employer and private entities who are currently self-insured. If there are any questions concerning the private self-insurance process, please contact the Florida Self-Insurers Guaranty Association or Self-Insurance Unit using the Contact Us page.

Essential Information

Claim Administration



Reemployment Services

Contact Us Self-Insurance Unit
200 East Gaines Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2199