CFO Seal

Bureau of Fire Standards and Training

"By knowing their needs and exceeding their expectations; we enable the success of Florida's Fire and Emergency Services Community!"

As part of the Florida Division of State Fire Marshal, the Bureau of Fire Standards and Training approves Florida's firefighter training curricula and certifies Florida fire service training agencies, instructors, and members to ensure they meet industry based standards.  In addition, the Bureau manages the Florida Firefighter Safety and Health program.

The Bureau of Fire Standards and Training operates the Florida State Fire College, located in Ocala, FL.  The current 37-acre campus is a multi-discipline fire and emergency services training center.

Maltese cross Bureau of Fire Standards and Training logo
Fire truck with bunker coat and radio
Certifications Requirements for certifications, FL Firefighter, renewals, course requirements & task books.
Firefighter spraying from firehose
Training Courses Course curriculum, pricing, textbooks, schedule & CEU information. Register for courses, dorms and books.
volunteer firefighter helmet
Volunteer Firefighter Become a FL Volunteer FF, Grants, and "Grow as you GO" Vol FF Training.
firefighter training room
Instructors and Providers Information for all Instructors, Training Providers, FCDICE Help, NFA Course Sponsors, and NFA Weekend
Fire truck leaving fire station
Fire Departments Helpful FCDICE information for Fire Departments and Employee roster changes, and Department login assistance.
College Graduation Cap with cash money
Supplemental Comp Earn additional rewards for College degrees. Information, application, and re-entry process.
Upcoming Events, Conferences and Seminars

Bureau of Fire Standards and Training Section Home Pages

Each Section of the Bureau manages a variety of programs and information.

Standards and Certification Fire certifications, requirements, renewals, Supplemental Compensation, and required Task Books
Training Class and Instructor approvals, course curriculum, course equivalency process, training events, and online course approval.
Safety and Health Firefighter Safety and Health resources & compliance, Line-of-Duty Death (LODD) resources, and model safety programs.
Student Services On-campus resources, FSFC Bookstore, Registration & Dormitory information, class schedule, campus map, area hotels and cafeteria.
Florida State Fire College Vision 2039 Flyer
To get a glimpse of where the Fire College is headed; Click on Florida State Fire College Vision 2039 Flyer, or the Learn more button.
State Fire Marshal Grant Opportunities
Public Records Request

The Bureau of Fire Standards and Training is accredited by the National Board  on Fire Service Professional Qualifications (ProBoard).

Accreditation is the stamp of approval from a third party (Pro Board) review of the Bureau of Fire Standards and Training's certification system. The review includes all aspects of certification testing including; completeness, fairness, security, validity and correlation to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standards.

Click on the ProBoard Logo for a listing of the accredited Bureau of Firefighter Standards and Training certification programs.

International Accreditation for Fire Service Organizations

Didn't find what you are looking for, send an email to:

or call us at (352) 369-2800.

National Fire Academy Managing Officer Program A multiyear curriculum that introduces emerging emergency services leaders to personal and professional skills in change management
Free access to all NFPA Codes & Standards As part of its commitment to enhancing public safety, NFPA makes its codes and standards available online to the public for free.
Fighting Electric Vehicle Fires The information provided on this page is intended to serve as a general reference for first responders and vehicle operators

Bureau of Fire Standards and Training

Florida State Fire College

11655 NW Gainesville Road

Ocala, FL  34482

(352) 369-2800